Saturday, November 10, 2007

Unfinished Battle...

I tried to fight the battles in life,

A battle not easy to win.
A fatal strike came one day,
Loosen my hope as i fall hard on ground.
Alone, I'm hurting but much from the inside.
Still, I struggle... Fought hard 'til the end.
Trying to act brave in this lonely mission
Yearning to surpass the pain no one could ever bear.
But as each blow I take,broked my very urge to move on...
The child in me awakened,from the burdens my heart cannot conquer.
Confusion, Anxiety, Agony...
In the depths of the child's soul you'll see.
The journey to find oneself been set on mind.
Wounded heart it carries in an unknown expedition.
Each foe overthrowned as time passed by...
Wounds were healed...
but it's memory forever dwells in it's young mind...

-JereMIAH "JM"

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